

When I haven't been on the road, I've been at home this summer, in my office, working on my book about zines by girls and women. Because I'm a messy person, not at all inclined to put things back where I found them, all kinds of stuff is accumulating around me (Biffle says there's nothing a Piepmeier likes more than a flat surface to put things on). I've been reading and consulting all sorts of books, and each time I get a new one, it gets added to the pile beside me on my desk. The pile is pretty impressive now, and since I'm afraid it may topple onto one of the cats, I've decided to shelve all the books. But before I do, I want to document this tower.

It's an interesting artifact because it shows all the different sorts of things I've been thinking about, from feminist memoirs to participatory media to sex to the the cultural history of the chair. Let's hope that all of this will come together in a brilliant interdisciplinary analysis of the cultural work of grrrl zines.


The Mom said...

Walter, it's the Hall in this family who fills all flat surfaces, not the Piepmeier! I think my kids got it from the Hall side of the family...

Anonymous said...

Read "Passionate Minds" by David Bodanis if you want to read about an exceptional woman.

Anonymous said...

i love that your own book is in the mix there. it doesn't have a special place of honor or anything, it's just stacked in with the rest of the books.

although, my first thought was, "why is she reading her own book? she knows what's in it; she wrote it." :)

The Dad said...

Yep, It is the Hall side of the family that piles stuff on all flat surfaces. The Piepmeier side are... the neat ones... yea, that's it... the neat ones... Hmmm

The Dad

Alison Piepmeier said...

I wondered how quickly someone would notice my books in the stack. They're there because I wanted to see how I phrased certain things--I've always borrowed other people's phrasing when it seems to work well, and now I can do it to myself, as well (i.e. "How did I talk about the problems with dichotomous thinking?" "What page is 'the feminist free-for-all' on?")

Alison Piepmeier said...

Yeah, Dad, the Piepmeiers are really neat. Maybe that gene skips a generation or two.

Alexandrialeigh said...


We both have dads that refer to themselves as "The Dad." Does every dad do that? I always thought mine did because he had two daughters and lived in a house full of women...

Trey said...

Very geologic. Layers of zine strata.