

Trey and I went to Pecha Kucha last night.  It's a hipster event for all the cool kids, but they let me in because one of my former students and current WGS Advisory Board members was talking about the Southeast Zine Fest, and I love zines, so I went.  I was sort of a cool kid by proxy.

Pecha Kucha:  A bunch of people do quick presentations, in which they have six minutes to fly through slides on a screen.  They get to talk about whatever they want, which can range from the story of a famous Charleston statue to essentially an extended ad for a new business.  As one of Trey's friends noted, these sorts of events are a mixed bag in small cities, and that was the case.  Some of the presentations were riveting--others inspired Trey and me to turn to our phones for entertainment.

On the Cistern, where the presenters were doing their thing, they had a big screen, and they projected many of the tweets that people were tweeting about the event.  So Trey and I were inspired.  Here's what we tweeted, in order (skipping some of the boring ones):

Trey:  It seems that Holy City Beard & Mustache Society kicks ass. #pkchs

Trey:  OMG SO INSPIRATIONAL (trying to get on the hash tag display board at #pkchs).

Trey:  WTF is up with this MC?  Is he somebody's nephew? #pkchs

Alison:  Pecha Kucha is cool, but, um, y'all, the emcee needs help. #pkchs

Alison:  I HATE shopping, Heather.  I'm totally on board for you making my clothes. #pkchs

Trey:  I like turtles. #pkchs

Alison:  @trey and I are sorry for what we said abt the MC.  We're sure he's a nice guy.  He just needs to introduce speakers quickly. #pkchs

Trey:  Hey, the grownups have to go to bed soon. #pkchs

Trey:  I was told there would be ponies. #pkchs

Trey:  Fuck yeah zines! #pkchs

Alison:  Zinefest is going to be amazing! #pkchs

That was my wild night out on the town.  Margaret and Susan's presentation was obviously great (they seemed quite well-suited to the quick presentation genre:  they had loads of energy, were funny and able to go with the flow, and they knew what they wanted to say).  And this morning I've had several cups of coffee to kick myself into gear.  Trey wasn't kidding in his tweet about the grownups having to go to bed--I didn't get home until after 10!


Elizabeth said...

The world is passing me by so quickly my head spins.

krlr said...

I would make fun of you for being up past 10o'clock! except it just took me three nights to watch one hour long show. I was told there would be ponies when I grew up too. What happened? #tooold2bhip