
I'm a feminist because...

Please go visit a tumblr that two of my students created.  It's fantastic.  They've been a bit astonished at how much attention it's gotten in the 30 hours its been online, but when you go over, you'll see why:  it's interesting, the photography is stunning, and the explanations of feminism are smart and clever.

Let me just say right now, I want in!


Meriah said...

that's really neat - I hope it grows

Anonymous said...

I gotta make a sign! I love this project.

Little Midwestern College said...

Very cool! My students also did a great multimedia project, called "Can Guys Be Feminists?" inspired by "The F Word" that I always show at the beginning of the semester. It's at http://youtu.be/F4NWZ-tA3E8 It made for a great end to the semester.